The only kind of accountability that really works

The biggest mistake we make as leaders is only thinking about accountability in terms of leadership –– and dismissing personal accountability.

What I want to know is: What will you do? How will you hold yourself accountable?

The truth is, the only accountability that truly works is internal. By creating a pull around your purpose, you facilitate that purpose.

That’s what led me to Costa Rica in 2021.

There were so many things I wanted to accomplish, but I just wasn’t doing them. I knew I had to get healthy. I knew I had to address relationships that were dragging me down. I knew my job wasn’t helping me achieve my goals.

I was so determined to have an impact, but I couldn’t do that if I continued to ignore these issues.

So off I went to dig into who I was becoming and my identity and to set intentions.

One of the most powerful lessons I learned on that trip is that the subconscious is ALWAYS listening. And it doesn’t understand negatives.

There I was, telling myself “Don’t procrastinate” –– and my subconscious just wasn’t getting the message. I tried “I will get things done,” but that implied I’d do them later. (More procrastination!) But when I shifted to “I get things done,” it clicked. My subconscious said, “Got it. This is how we want to be.”

It’s not “I will fill my cup,” but “I FILL my cup.” “I do what I set out to do with intention and focus.” “I seek out fun and pleasure.”

Seeing these intentions and affirmations framed positively and in the present tense was a huge shift for me. It was telling myself how I wanted to be.

Think about it.

“One day, we’re going to be agile” versus “We are agile.” 

It just hits different. It invites an immediate identity.

So what can YOU do to hold yourself accountable?

  • Make your intentions and affirmations visible. I write my intentions on laminated cards and put them everywhere: in my bag, on the bathroom mirror, on my desk, in the car, on the kitchen counter. They’re constant reminders of my values and a great way to create integration.

  • Create a detractor. If you don’t do what you say you will, you have to donate to a cause that’s the complete opposite of your values. There are apps and websites that can do this automatically, and trust me –– it’s a huge motivator! It’s a form of external accountability but incredibly effective for some people.

  • Take action. What do you wish your organization would do? Well, start doing it! Figure out the one thing you can do right now and just take action. You’ll be amazed how people will follow one person’s example.

This might be simple. But it’s also incredibly difficult. I’d love to hear how you create accountability for yourself. Do you use affirmations? Have you tried donating to an anti-charity? What’s worked for you –– and what hasn’t? Hit reply and let me know!

– Charlene

My Latest: (pull from Content Library)

  • It seems like so much charitable giving these days is “token giving” –– just giving to give without considering impact. How can we move past that? In my latest livestream, I shared some ideas for actually making a difference.

  • There are about four weeks left in the year. You’re probably rushing to finalize your 2023 budget. But I want you to stop. That’s right –– forget your annual budget and try this instead.

  • Wisdom is more than just experience. It’s the ability to hold two contradictory ideas at the same time and know WHEN and HOW to use them. On Tuesday, December 6, I’ll share exactly how to do that so you can cultivate more wisdom.

  • Optional Podcast episode

  • Optional Event/feature

Good Things:

  • Reads

  • Referrals

  • Resource

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